Twitter Youvic Immigration Assessment Any information you submit is confidential and will only be used for evaluating your eligibility to come to Canada. Please fill out the section below accurately and to the best of your ability. This assessment should take you 15 minutes. Mandatory fields are marked with a *. Personal information Please fill out the section below accurately First name * Middle name Last name * Gender * MaleFemale Date of birth * Phone number * Email address * Country of citizenship * Where you are a legal citizen Country of residence * Where you currently live Current address * Please include street name & number, province, and postal code Martial status * Single Married Divorced Children information Children qualify as dependants if they • are under 22 years old and • don’t have a spouse or partner For children that are 22 and older to be a dependent they must • have depended on their parents for financial support since before they were 22 and • be unable to financially support themselves because of a mental or physical condition. Do you have any dependents * YesNo Relatives in Canada Do you or your partner have family members who are permanent residents or citizens of Canada? YesNo Must be a parent, sibling, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, grandparent, or grandchild. Net worth Please fill out the section below accurately. Estimate values to the best of your ability. What is your personal net worth? * In US $, the total value of your assets (bank accounts, stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.) MINUS the total of your liabilities (mortgages, loans, credit card balances, etc.) What is the value of all your and your spouse's liabilities? * In US $, this is amount of all debt and loans you have. Education Highest level of education completed * None High school or below Diploma, 1 year Diploma, 2 years Diploma, 3 years Bachelor, 2 years Bachelor, 3 years Bachelor, 4 years or more Masters PhD or Doctorate Field of study * Your general area of study if nothing specific. Number of total years of education * Years and months Do you have any relevant trade or professional licenses? * YesNo Employment history and work experience Have you had paid employment as an employee in the last 10 years? * YesNo Do you have experience managing a business? * YesNo Have you ever owned and operated a business? * YesNo Language ability Please answer accurately, estimating to the best of your ability. English ability * Excellent, I understand nearly everything High, I understand most things Moderate, I understand things with some difficulty Basic, I can make short sentences None French ability * Excellent, I understand nearly everything High, I understand most things Moderate, I understand things with some difficulty Basic, I can make short sentences None Have you taken the IELTS test? * YesNo Have you taken the CELPIP test? * YesNo Have you taken the TEF test? * YesNo Additional questions Please read carefully and answer accurately and truthfully. Do you, your spouse, or any of your dependants have a criminal record? * YesNo Have you previously sought refugee status or any type of visa in the past? * YesNo In Canada or any other country, have you sought any type of visa (immigrant, permanent resident, visitor, or temporary resident). Have you been refused admission or ordered to leave Canada or any other country? * YesNo Additional information Please enter any other information you think is important to share as part of your assessment. Do you want us to contact you to discuss your results? * Yes, email me No, do not contact me How did you hear about us? Referral by someone Search engine (e.g. Google) I have used another YOUVIC service Other